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How To Sell Value Not Price

Are you getting paid what you know you are worth, or do you somehow feel that you are often shortchanged? If you feel this – then you have to work on improving communication of your worth to your customers. Here are eight tips that will help you sell value—not price:

Sales Prospecting Information Kit – Infographic & Video

Here is a sales prospecting information kit (Infographic and Video), that if followed will set you on the path to sales success. Whatever you track will improve. So this sales prospecting system outlines a method of earning daily points based upon your prospecting activity. By committing to earn 20 points daily as outlined in this […]

Sales Coaching Advice – Selling To Conflicting Personalities

As salespeople, one of the best pieces of sales coaching advice is to learn how to deal with demanding customers. There always seems to be a fresh batch. Some clients are abrasive and challenging while some are frustratingly indecisive. Facing each kind of individual can exhaust our patience and even our positivity. How then, can […]

Sales Mindset – 6 Habits Of A Positive Mind

Sales is not for everyone, especially the faint hearted. Sales can be a lonely, tough gig. One of the major skills to acquire to rise to the top of the sales profession, is developing a methodology for avoiding negative mindset. To recognise any pessimistic tendencies and to devise counter strategies. Here are some tips: Remind […]

Sales Prospecting System

If you have been looking for a sales prospecting system that guarantees results then please read on as I think I have found one. The bottom line is that a large majority of salespeople struggle to get in front of enough prospects to keep their sales pipeline full. Thus, they feel desperate, have a difficult time dealing […]

Mindset And Success – How You Control Both

Mindset and success two words often used in the same sentence. This article explains why they work with each other and are often talked about together. How many times have you heard business experts emphasize the crucial role that our mindset plays in determining the extent of our success? 

Good Sales Coach Tip – Find out If Your Prospect Is A Buyer

Any good sales coach will have dealt with sales people who are busy with clients but actually unsure whether the work they are doing will lead to a sale. Nine times out of ten it is because the sales person cannot tell if the prospect is a buyer. We’ve all been there. The customer is […]

Converting Leads to Sales – 3 Things to Remember

If there is one thing that is crucial in sales, it is leads. So being good at converting leads to sales is a skill that every sales person should master. In the world of business where so many things can shift in an instant, it is essential for a salesperson to understand how there are […]

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 001

In this episode we are going to look at the problem of price which has become a primary focus in sales nowadays, we are also going to consider how to build proof and delve deeply into the concept of success. [powerpress] Download Podcast Transcript

Sales Coaching – 12 Ways to Eliminate Negativity

Sales Coaching Challenge Negative mind sets can effect the performance of your sales team like rust erodes metal. Once it takes hold it is very difficult to eliminate.One of the major skills top quality sales coaching requires is eliminating the presence of negativity both with individuals and the entire sales team.