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About Peter

Can you handle the truth?

I have been a Sales and Marketing Strategist for most of my serious adult life. I played at being a school teacher for a time but after I co-wrote and self-published a book I fell into marketing by necessity.

Back then, self-publishing meant forking out about a cars value worth of dollars in exchange for 15,000 books. Nice, except 15,000 books took up a whole bedroom in my bachelor pad and stunk the whole place out.

Hence the necessity to get on my bike and start marketing to:
a) get my pad back smelling “like a rose”, and
b) get some of my hard earned back into my bank account.

Fast forward 30 odd years and I am now 100% obsessed with entrepreneurship.
My own (more about my ventures later), helping others (via consulting) and teaching (there is that word again) others.

Through countless assignments and consultancies, I have developed a thorough understanding of strategically targeting the wealthy and top-of-the-town in most markets.

My take is, that if you get your offering right to the folk who have the money to buy your offering, then why do you need to waste money on the rest of the market.

Fact is that what demographers and marketers call the “mass affluent” represent the fastest growing segment of the population.

There are more millionaires than ever

The rising tide of affluence is so great I help guide entrepreneurs to focus on exactly how to market to the wealthy.

There are more people invested in real estate in addition to their homes and in the stock market than ever. There are more millionaires than ever before. Commencing is the biggest wealth transfer in history from the boomer generation to the next.

It is simply foolish to ignore this coming phenom and trust me, I don’t. Neither should you.

There has never been an easier time to put your offerings in front of the top-end-of-town.

Everybody somehow has plenty of money to buy whatever they decide they want to buy.

Stop and think about all the businesses that didn’t even exist when you were a kid.

Today’s market provides a wealth of opportunity and my strategies work to tap into this and so can you, if you give it a go.

Loving what you do has its perks

I have had guest speaker stints with the National Speaker’s Circuit in the USA as well as multiple gigs in Dubai, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. I am still hanging for that all-expenses paid stint in Rome!

I have also been fortunate enough to have been mentored by some of the world’s best in sales, marketing and online presence. I’ve been fortunate to have Armand Morin, Yanik Silver and Frank Kern as confidants.

Creating high quality “How To” content for my clients and subscribers is something that I am pretty good at, and my weekly radio show Sunday Sports Café on 91.3 SportFM lets me practise my craft. (I know “I have a great face for radio” 🤣)

If you would like to find out how I can guide you to make positive changes and see results in your sales and marketing strategy or to discuss how I can help you out, download my credentials or click the button below.