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Scorecard to Success

This Episode of Marketing 24-7, will show you how to use your life scars to emerge as a winner and not let them define you.

Lazy Marketing – Are you guilty of it?

The difference in results of your marketing is around the willingness to do deep thinking about your customer. To not be lazy, to not be sloppy and above everything else not be guilty of Lazy Marketing. Podcast Transcript Here’s an example. You take two people. They each make $300,000 a year. They each live in $1 […]

How was your experience

How was it? The common question asked by staff after a flight, at the cashier at a restuarant when you pay your bill wherever. This question can only be answered in one of three different ways: 1) Something positive and nice about your business 2) Nothing about you and your business 3) Something derogatory about […]

Sport Tribalism and What it can Mean for Your Business!

Recently I had the fortune of interviewing Barry Walker a Senior Marketing strategist from global advertising company Wunderman Thompson. Barry has been writing lately about sport tribalism (something we know all about in Australia :)).   Of significance is the way in which Barry sees how business, both big and small can adapt aspects of this sport tribalism […]

Something About Trump

The American election has been and gone. At time of writing this, Joe Biden is President Elect with a five million votes lead over current President Trump, and with a substantial Electoral College seat margin and legal challenges aside, Trump can’t catch him.

How to Create a Razor Sharp USP

What do I mean by a unique selling proposition (USP)? It is what sets you apart from your competitors. What’s your point of difference? What do you have to do to have your clients easily talk about you and recommend you to others? And how can you best describe your business, service, or your offering so […]