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Unique Selling Proposition (USP)– The Big Idea Worksheet.

Let’s begin with a definition for a unique selling proposition (USP). Definition: The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition.

Marketing Conference Speaker – Brand Benchmark

When I present as a marketing conference speaker I like to reward my audience with a solid tool or resource that will be of enormous value. Developed over decades of marketing and selling all sorts of products and projects this perfect resource is my Marketing Conference Speaker go to resource. The Benchmark Matrix This is […]

Marketing Success – Red Bull – Lessons Learnt.

1. It’s not for everyone. I.e. it tastes like horse lixx. a. You’re defined by your haters as much as your lovers. Anti is everything. If someone thinks you’re trash, there’s someone else who loves you, who testifies about you and will die for you. 

Stand Out – Drop A Jaw Today

Once upon a time, during the baby boomer era, being different was a badge of honour. Yes, guys wearing scholls, long hair, playing in your own band and we even had surfers at Hamilton Hill High School the home of the bogan. In my opinion this is one thing the baby boomers definitely got right. But […]

How to Create a Brand That Wins

Winning Branding Boosts Your Authority,Sales, and Impact What is a Brand? A brand is the story that you share with the rest of the world about yourself and or your company. There are a lot of components to a winning brand that include your shop front, website (both the look , feel and content you […]

Brand Performance Analysis – Now in Free PDF Format

Its probably the right time to get a brand performance analysis. Developed over decades of marketing all sorts of products and projects this Brand Performance Analysis Tool in the form of an evaluation matrix is my go to tool when I am preparing to launch, relaunch or simply checking on how things are going. I […]