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12 Ways to Build Proof

Finding ways to build proof is essential if you are in either sales or marketing. From the moment a client comes into contact with you or your message they are looking for clues to see whether you are authentic or at the very least good to your word.

Persuasion or manipulation that is the question?

Just imagine what it would be like if you had the power to write a few words and motivate, influence or persuade people to do just about anything you wanted? The subject of persuasion is fascinating. In coming weeks I shall be blogging about seven powerful psychological triggers I have discovered over the years that […]

The first blow – make it your best!

If you have my attention… Blow my mind. The biggest compliment you can get in this modern world is attention. Everybody is overwhelmed with incoming. When you presume we have time to waste on you, you are wrong. We are not sitting around bored, we don’t have the time to do all that we want, but we […]

The Key to Being Unstoppable in Sales

How to change peoples lives by being great at what you do. Selling has gotten a bad wrap. Selling the task and the profession is sadly misunderstood. Most people believe that sales is about the effort one exerts in persuading and convincing a third party to do something. Unfortunately even some so called “sales gurus” […]

When Pricing Too Low Hurts

No matter who you talk to in Perth, Melbourne or Sydney it is becoming increasingly obvious that folk with a job are stashing their cash. Consumer confidence is all over the place and in most people are using low interest rates to maintain their payments and pay off debt. The consequence of this is Sellers […]

Why Be in Sales and Not Want to Help People?

Since yesterday’s blog Mobile Shopping “mopping”  I have received bundles of emails from sales folk asking me to stop encouraging such all encompassing point of sale marketing because it will give the power to the buyer and make it even harder for sales people. I also received a comment from a former colleague of mine commending […]