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12 Ways to Build Proof

Finding ways to build proof is essential if you are in either sales or marketing. From the moment a client comes into contact with you or your message they are looking for clues to see whether you are authentic or at the very least good to your word.

If you adopt any of the 12 ways to build proof listed below, you will find that both your sales and your marketing efforts will be more effective. Better still try using multiple elements from the 12 ways to dramatically increase your results.

  1.  Testimonial from Customer  (Show results if possible)
  2.  Testimonial from Industry Expert 
  3.  Testimonial from refunded customer
  4.  Before and After Pictures
  5.  Facts and or Statistics
  6.  Your Contact in Location of your office ( in relation to a trusted landmark like a bank)
  7.  Pictures
  8.  Screenshots, cheques, deposits, income tax statements, etc.
  9.  Publicity ·reprints of articles, magazines, newspapers, etc·
  10.  Guarantees
  11.  Believable Bonuses – Not $15,000 in bonuses for a $50 product
  12.  Damaging Admission.

This concept of ways to building proof is further discussed in this episode of the Monday Sales Coach Podcast to listen CLICK HERE


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