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How to Generate Traffic to Your Message

Would you like access to a secret nest of the best buyers on the Internet? What’s more they are all sitting there, plugged in every single day. Find out more listen to my latest podcast.

Finding the Prolific Zone

There are three zones: the crazy zone, the sane zone, and the prolific zone. Only one of the zones makes money. Guess which one?

How to Grasp People’s Attention – The Art of Marketing!

When I started in business in the 1980’s, I stumbled onto something… Back then, even though I had studied it in truth I knew almost nothing about marketing and even less about sales. But I was successful right from the start because I stumbled onto this thing, and it was … A word I like […]

Marketing – Done For You or Do It Yourself

Marketing. Everyone knows they have to do it, but how? There are great stories about people who started with nothing but an idea and built a business from Facebook up, but is that feasible for everyone? Hardly. In fact probably not…

Client Generation the Dream 100 Technique

The aim of the Dream 100 concept is increase client generation by moving prospects along a continuum of: I’ve not heard of this company What is this company I think I have heard of this company Yes, I do business with this company