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Financially, how should one run a business?

In this episode of the Marketing 24-7 Podcast I am going to let you in on a closely guarded fast money entrepreneurial secret. It’s about 4 things you should do in your business when it comes to money; Make it Manage it Use it, and Liberate it Bad businesses have money stuck in the business. […]

16 Minutes of Fame – the Quote Andy Warhol Should Have Made Famous!

Andy Warhol once said, “everybody will have their 15 minutes of fame.” Thanks to social media and reality TV, 15 minutes of fame has never been more achievable. But the folk I am interested in are those which are still going and “kicking goals” at the 16-minute mark. Those who have had their moment in […]

What Else Can You Sell?

When I talk about creating an offer versus just selling a product, people tell me, “But I only have one thing to sell.” That’s because they’re not trying hard enough.

Business Success 101

Let me ask you one simple question. How to know if you are going to be successful in business?

Why Entrepreneurs Fail!

Recently I had coffee with a new business owner. He is a brilliant architect and entrepreneur. He always wanted to start his own architectural practice.

Sitting On The Fence Can Hurt Your Business

In this episode, we will talk about an Australian celebrity who has made a faux pas. He is being described as the industry equivalent of a toasted cheese sandwich: no hard edges and soft inside, so that everyone likes you. But all of a sudden, he is in trouble…