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How to make it in business

1. You have to NEED to make it. Wanting to make it is not enough. It must be your one true calling. If you’re willing to be broke, with no direction home, you might possibly make it. Sacrifice is the key element. 2. You have to be great. Good is not good enough. You’ve got […]

The art of saying thank you

For some time now I have been disciplining myself to write thank you notes. One thing that has made it easier to keep up with the practise has been the development of a template. Here it is….

Revenge – A Dish Best Served Cold

The other morning I was taken aback as the owner of my favourite café was lamenting how poorly she felt after reading an ordinary review of her café on urbanspoon.com She knew that it shouldn’t have gotten her down but because she is so passionate about what she does every little niggle hurts.

We Will Always Have Paris

This morning I was involved in one of those inane coffee shop discussions that you have. “If you received a letter that offered you $1,000,000 if you turned up together in Paris at Noon on the 1st of July with the only other person that was randomly selected from somewhere else in the world. However […]

Paper Magic

When was the last time you received a handwritten note in the mail? I mean in the lumpy mail that is inserted into your letter box rather than email that interrupts you when you should be doing something productive. All I seem to receive in my mail box are pamphlets, bills, poorly addressed direct mail […]

20 Ways to Lose Your Customers

Some people are saying that customer service is the pits these days. Just in case you haven’t conceived of every method to further alienate your clientele, I noticed this article at Ezine and have taken some snippets from a list of ideas that are certain to drive customers away from your business.

4 Power Questions to Better Understand Your Customer

If you want to better understand your customer then by getting to know a customers unique buying proposition (UBP), will often make the difference between satisfying your client and delighting your customer.

The Mindset of a Customer Service Rock Star

Customer service is more than just a procedure or a philosophy to follow. A true customer service rock star is excellent at what they do because they have a certain mindset in dealing with customers. If you want your company to offer service that wows your customers and makes them sing your praises, your staff […]