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How was your experience

How was it? The common question asked by staff after a flight, at the cashier at a restuarant when you pay your bill wherever. This question can only be answered in one of three different ways: 1) Something positive and nice about your business 2) Nothing about you and your business 3) Something derogatory about […]

10 Low Cost Ways to Market Your Business

In this week’s podcast I go through the 4 key things I do when I take on a new marketing client. I believe you too, should do these 4 things in your business. Especially if you are looking for more clients, quick wins and some instant cash flow. These are the same 4 things that […]

4 Ways To Keep Your Customers Happy

To keep customers happy need not be an onerous task. If there is one thing that customers often complain about, it is customer service; either they found the company’s service unsatisfactory or its promises unmet. The frustration with poor customer service is understandable. In fact, it hardly comes as a surprise, as many businesses and […]

How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

Are you aware of the lifetime value of a customer?  Do you know how to calculate a customer lifetime value? It’s time you gave this some serious consideration because customers are the king. They can make or break your business and there’s no two ways about it. If you already appreciate this, then I can […]

7 Tips to Delivering World Class Customer Service

Delivering world class customer service isn’t as challenging as people think, but an alarming number of companies don’t bother trying. They either don’t understand how it effects profits, or they just don’t know how to go about it. Here are 7 tips. #1 Plan in Advance Don’t wait for a customer service breakdown to start […]

Good Customer Service – Doesn’t Mean Caving In!

Is the Customer Always Right? Think good customer service, and you are often told  – ‘The customer is always right.’ But if you have ever handled customer service issues, you know this isn’t exactly true. This statement isn’t meant to be taken literally. What it really means is that the customer is always right in their […]

Stand Out From Competitors – The Role Of A Great FAQ

Developing a comprehensive FAQ will help you streamline your customer service and have you stand out from competitors. FAQ stands for ‘frequently asked questions.’ These are the most common questions your customers ask when they get hold of one of your customer service reps. Creating a strong FAQ that answers these questions has a huge […]

The Biggest Customer Service Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Although your customer service can either boost your company miles ahead of the competition or utterly destroy your business, most companies don’t spend nearly enough time focusing on how to improve their service and eliminating simple customer service mistakes. If you give your customers a terrible experience, they’ll never come back. Even worse, they’ll tell […]

How To Defend Your Brand Online

Learning to Defend Your Brand Online is a reputation management practice that should be in every customer service 101 course. It takes years to build a brand, unfortunately, there aren’t many shortcuts. You build a brand—like a reputation, one impression at a time. Every encounter with a customer results in either a “deposit” or a […]

Customer Service Training – Quick Tips

Customer Service Training – 10 Reasons Why Awesome Customer Service Is All That Matters Any customer service training program worth it’s salt, will emphasize that  the single most important focus of your business is to deliver an amazing experience for your client. That’s it. There is nothing else more important than making sure every memory […]