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How to Build an Email List of Action Takers

If you want to build an email list this podcast outlines all of the steps and provides a bundle of resources.

First, you need to know how to create something that people will want. The idea is that whatever you’re going to give away it must be a killer and it must have a long enough shelf life so that it can be used multiple times by your subscribers.

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Email Marketing Battle Plan




If I had to start my business all over again from the beginning but there were rules, rules like I have no product no joint-venture partners nobody knows who I am and I have limited resources to start with and just for fun I have rent due in 30 days – What would I do. Where would I start?

The question is given the option to do anything create anything build anything but within this set of rules what would I do?

If you have heard me speak at business seminars been following me on my blogs, on my social media channel or you frequent my website – you probably already know my answer – I’d start cracking on building a list.

A list will be so important short term and long term to your business as I have seen with my own business.

I’d choose to focus on list building because I know how essential its been for any business turn around I have ever been involved in it has been at the forefront of dramatic improvements for the many business I have worked with and in my own business it keeps on working right up until even this morning where my analytics told me that I’ve earnt 3 new customers overnight whilst I was sleeping.

On top of that my List has helped me launch every new product marketing service or sales training product that I have ever launched – And you too can be on your way to making your own list by the time you’re done listening to this podcast. I believe list building has been  the key to my own and my client’s success Specifically I am referring to a list of email subscribers in both my case and the case of my clients – If I had to start again developing a list of email subscribers as quickly as possible is the one thing I would do.

Now you might already know this but let me describe it for you plainly so that it’s completely clear

“your email list is one of the most important assets your company will ever create.”

A prospect list is like a skeleton key to success because it will make major contributions to the most important other parts of your business as well as get customers. A list is like having sales on demand and that’s one of the things I’m going to tell you about and how to achieve this in this podcast.

I am going to tell you how to turn subscribers even brand-new ones into a steady stream of income.

Your List is your ultimate soapbox, it’s your ultimate platform for sharing ideas. If you share your ideas, knowledge, data and advice willingly and effectively to your tens, hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people regularly enough – the result is you’ll earn a place of trust and authority in their lives making everything else you do in terms of sales that much easier.

A list is freedom. No matter what the search engines are doing with your rankings or how Facebook or Google are acting at any time – your list enables you to carry your offers, your ideas and your opportunities word by word out to the world.



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