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Old School Marketing Strategies That Still Work – 4 Techniques

Million Dollar Influencers do not forget that Old School Marketing Strategies still work.

Whilst marketing has seen a paradigm shift with the rise of all things online and mobile. Where creating a Facebook page, tweeting about industry news, the channels we use to talk to followers are evolving every day. While these platforms are remarkably effective, most successful influencers practice a combination of online and offline strategies to generate followers and boost influence.

Remember Million Dollar Influencers are all about leverage and this is why we advocate using the Gorillas in the online space (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin and the like). The same should also be your aim in the old school space. Whilst finding the gorillas to work with is not as obvious and they are likely to be a little more grumpy and not as easy to cajole into action, hunting and finding them is still a worthwhile pursuit.

Here are some strategies showing how building influence is still possible in the offline world with Old School Marketing Strategies that still work:

Speak at events

Find an event related to your message and prepare an educational and meaningful presentation. This leaves a lasting impression with peers who share a position in your niche and creates a visual representation of your message. If you don’t feel you have enough authority to deliver a speech to peers, it’s still helpful to attend the events. Introduce yourself and network with others. The relationships you build will help move the influence dial elsewhere.

Communicate with local print publications

Despite the consistent rise in online media, print is still effective. Pitch a press release to a magazine or newspaper that targets your audience. Press releases are a simple way to showcase an important event or milestone for your message, and the right publication could land you valuable attention. Stay active and form as many relationships with the press as possible — they’ll come in handy.Remember they have blank sheets of paper to fill with either adverts or articles for each and every publication, so you are actually helping them by providing them with good content, information and opinions.

Participate in trade shows

Trade shows and expos put you under the same roof as the competition. You can study their pitch, check out their marketing materials and generally gain real insight into their strategy. Of course, trade shows are also awesome opportunities to showcase your message. Network with other professionals and look for opportunities to grow by working together.

Sponsor a community event

If finances allow, this is a phenomenal way to spread your message far and wide. Instead of just tabling at an event, take the lead and sponsor one. Plan a 5K or team up with a non-profit to host a fundraiser. When you’re the host, you can handle the merchandise. Give out branded goods, coupons and pamphlets and discount cards. This builds a positive brand image that people respect.

Whilst these techniques range widely in cost and effort, they can each impact your influence and mix up your marketing efforts. So welcome new technology and strategies, but don’t forget their offline roots!


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