10 Ways to Create a Better”About Page” For Your Website
A year ago I was reviewing my own websites statistics and to my surprise my About Page was in the top ten most visited pages of all time. Prior to that I hadn’t really given my About Page much attention – I viewed it as an obligatory page and had not really spent any time […]
Is Your Website Earning It’s Keep?
When you first set up your company’s website – were you filled with optimism that it would do its job and lift your business to a whole new level? Is your website earning its keep?
Why Now Is A Great Time To Influence.
A great time to influence is when you have come up with a brilliant idea for a brand new product or service that can make you rich. Or, you currently own a business that pays the bills, but your dream is to become successful and retire a millionaire. Or , you have a worthy cause […]
How To Improve Your Authority With Linkedin
When it comes to generating that critical “Know, Like and Trust” factor with a personalised, 1-on-1 marketing approach on a social network nothing can compare to LinkedIn, Linkedin used to it’s potential is a “no brainer” if you want to improve your authority. This article shows you how to maximise and improve your authority on this popular […]
Get Noticed On YouTube
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? My guess is that you interacted with YouTube in some way in the last 24 hours as long as you have access to the Internet. Online video is growing exponentially, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily which amounts to 6 billion hours of video […]
How To Grow Your Influence With SoundCloud
Millions of people use SoundCloud to listen to music and audio for free, so it is not surprising that you can grow your influence with SoundCloud. SoundCloud is often thought of as a hangout for indie kids and backyard bands – a place to discover new music. And that’s true to an extent, but it’s […]
Get Better Leads Through Social Media
If you are wanting your marketing effort on social media to get better leads, you need to understand the mindset of your prospect. “When you’re spreading your message on social media, the scenario is twisted. Your target audience hangs out on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram and other platforms, because they are social. Users want to […]
Using Amazon For Influence
Google is the top ranked internet search engine, followed by YouTube. Do you know who is in third place? Amazon. Also relevant to marketers seeking to use Amazon for influence is that, Amazon is the Number one search engine when looking for products and services. This is because almost half of the searches for products and services start with Amazon. In other […]
You As A Media Mogul
Thanks to digital marketing and social media, one single human being can now have as much or even more impact than a large Fortune 500 Company. In fact it is no longer a dream to see YOU as a media mogul! Even some of the world’s largest brands are turning to individual influencers, bloggers, podcasters, […]
How to Increase Your Influence Online
To increase your influence online you will have to fully embrace social media, but if you don’t have connections with key influencers growth isn’t going to happen quickly. So how do new businesses get hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers and Facebook likes? Sometimes they buy them from a broker, but that tactic is expensive, […]