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Persistence is Key In Marketing

WARNING: Don’t Stop Oxygenating Your System If you don’t want your successful business to die, heed this warning now. Perssistence is key in marketing.

How to Use LinkedIn to Attract Clients.

Let me ask you a question? Imagine if you were offered an opportunity to have a booth in a trade show perfectly set up and operating – the booth artwork, the audio-visual presentations, the giveaway brochures and all of the staff you need to man the booth. What’s more imagine if that tradeshow was packed […]

How to Make Sponsorship Work

Whether you have been talked into it by your kids, or the marketing team have twisted your arm to say yes; agreeing to sponsor something is a common occurrence in business.

Marketing 24/7 – The Podcast – Coming Soon

Coming Soon – The Podcast – Marketing 24/7 Broadcast weekly and available on iTunes, Spotify and all broadcasters of great podcasts. Is your business being marketed 24/7, 365 days of the year? Sounds daunting I know, but if you seek to double, triple or quadruple your profits in your business you will need a Client […]

Building A List Of Followers An Asset That Repays!

You have come up with a brilliant idea for a brand new product, service or message that you know can make you rich or make a serious difference. Or maybe you currently own a business that pays the bills, and your dream is to become fabulously successful and retire a millionaire. Or perhaps you have […]

10 Ways to Create a Better”About Page” For Your Website

A year ago I was reviewing my own websites statistics and to my surprise my About Page was in the top ten most visited pages of all time. Prior to that I hadn’t really given my About Page much attention – I viewed it as an obligatory page and had not really spent any time […]

Stand Out – Drop A Jaw Today

Once upon a time, during the baby boomer era, being different was a badge of honour. Yes, guys wearing scholls, long hair, playing in your own band and we even had surfers at Hamilton Hill High School the home of the bogan. In my opinion this is one thing the baby boomers definitely got right. But […]