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Make People Buy – 10 Magic Words

Words that can make people buy! What a powerful concept – if it is true. The good news is…. it is especially these 10 words.

10 Magic Words – to Make People Buy

Ten magic words that are sure to make people buy. Let’s learn about these words and outline how they will get you more sales.

  1. Fast

In this age, consumers have become more mindful of their time more than their money. Right now, people are looking for quick solutions and responses to their concerns and using the word ‘fast’ can do the trick of capturing their attention. Come to think about it, who would not welcome fast results?

  1. Guaranteed

Now just because your customers value time more than money does not mean that they do not think about the value of what they are spending their money on. When you use the word ‘guaranteed’, you assure your customers that they have made an entrepreneurial choice when they chose your product over others.

  1. Limited

There is something about the word ‘limited’ that makes customers come running. A study on the psychology of human behavior reveals that a product’s desirability tends to increase along with its scarcity. This is because people often consider rare and limited products as more valuable than those that are readily available. Dr Robert Cialdini outlines this perfectly in his YouTube video CLICK HERE

  1. Easy/Simple

People do not want to be stuck with complicated things. Life is already complicated as it is, and sales professionals who acknowledge that by including the words ‘easy’ or ‘simple’ in their pitch are more likely to get a positive response.

  1. Testimonial

Again, people want to see value for their hard-earned money. Your customers want proof that the product you are selling really works. So, where you can you should include testimonials. Of course, make sure that your testimonials are authentic and real.

  1. Discount/Sale

The words, ‘discount’ and ‘sale’ are among the most effective in catching the eyes and ears of your customers. Discounts come in various forms such as one-time sales, get-one-free offers, or rebates. The logic behind these bargains focuses on increasing the desirability of your product. In effect, you are telling your clients, ‘Get more for less!’

  1. Free

Everyone knows that nothing in this world can be absolutely free, but we love freebies, don’t we?

So, give away stuff from time to time as an incentive for those who choose to do business with you. Freebies can be anything—free pens, books, shirts, accessories; the list is endless. Be creative!

In fact, the best free item you can give away is time, knowledge and advice – just make sure you negotiate the use of it. I have explained this concept in detail in Episode 7 of Monday Sales Coach, listen to it by CLICKING HERE

  1. You/Your

Address your customers personally instead of generalizing to the crowd. People appreciate it when they feel that you are talking to them. It sends the message that you find them important enough to address.

  1. Important

People hate missing out on the important stuff, so use “important” from time to time. When you do, you can be sure that most of your target audience will stop and pay attention to whatever message you are trying to get across.

  1. New

Who wants to be left behind on the latest trend or news? People want to take advantage of the newest products and services that could help them improve their lifestyle. So, include the word ‘new’ – new technology, new information, and so on.

The words outlined above are not in any order. In does not matter in which order you apply them. One thing is for sure; these ten magic words will help make people buy.

To hear a full description of each of these words listen to the Podcast Monday Sales Coach by CLICKING HERE


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