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Effective Sales Emails

Writing effective sales emails can be a simple as counting 1 to 10. In this blog post I will outline a tried and tested method for rating the effectiveness of your emails and in doing so increase your email response.

To produce effective sales emails follow the instructions in this post.

Rate each segment of your emails based on their ability to meet the email requirements. Rate on a scale of 1-10. 10 being the best you can do, amazing, perfect, 1 being terrible or non-existent.

The objective is to have your emails rank as high as possible. The lower the score, the lower the probability it will be successful.

Elements of Effective Sales Emails

Subject Line:

Subject Line is compelling and summarizes the intrigue of the email body. It makes the reader curious to open. It is also 9 – 14 words or 40-50 characters.


The overall email message is intriguing, it creates curiosity, or causes pause in the reader, it causes them to want to continue to read to understand, learn, or satisfy a gap in understanding or knowledge.

The Offer

What you’re offering the reader has value, is something your prospect will want or need. Your offer is clear and has VALUE for the reader. The reader should WANT to take your offer because of the value to them. The offer is your give and it has value to the recipient.

The Ask

Your ask is, what you want the reader or recipient to do, is reasonable and fair, specifically in relationship to what your offering for the ask. The ask is easy to execute, clear, and reasonable. Ex; 15 minutes of your time, download xyz report, introduction to the CXO. etc.

Overall Value

The overall value is in the recipients favour. The overall value is the Offer minus The Ask (O-A=Value). What your offering for the ask must benefit the recipient more, it must provide more value to them, than you. Ex: A free industry report with cost calculators to reduce inventory churn, (offer) download here (ask). 15 min of the recipients time (the ask) to show them how your service or offer could increase inbound lead generation by 30% (the offer). The offer MUST be worth more than the ask.


The email is short, concise and easy to get through. 50-125 words receive the best response rates. Rate the email on how concise the message is delivered.


The email must be relevant to the recipient. Are you talking to the right person? Does the offer meet their objectives? How relevant is the content and subject matter to the recipient and their current or anticipated issues/needs. Will they care?


Readability is about tone. Is the tone conversational, engaging, light, humorous, catchy, etc. The tone must not be or feel corporate, generic, general, etc. Rate on readability and connectability. Is it easy and engaging to read and connect.

In summary to produce effective sales emails use the notes above to rate each segment of your emails.

Rate on a scale of 1-10. 10 being the best you can do, amazing, perfect, 1 being terrible or non-existent.

The objective is to have your emails rank as high as possible. The lower the score, the lower the probability it will be successful.



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