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The data sometimes misleads

Empowerment in management is a corner-stone to truly being able to scale a business. Of course if it happens to be in a discipline that we are not overly familiar then empowerment is a lot easier, but when it is in your core competency area it is harder. We basically don’t want to hand over […]

How to keep up with modern technology

I’d like to draw your attention to one of the most helpful articles I have read on technology and the implications of making the right choice in a long time. It is courtesy of the New York Times and written by Farhad Manjoo on his buying guide and how to keep up with modern technology?

The “Selfie” Life

I have been fascinated watching people and mobile technology and the way our behaviours with the technology has changed.Until recently it was the sharing that seemed most important. People didn’t seem to feel like themselves unless they shared a thought or feeling, even before it was clear in their mind. (enter Shane Warne!) These days […]

The world is flat!

I went to a show and it took all my willpower to refrain from dipping into my pocket and checking my iPhone. Whilst I used to check e-mails or texts, now in my fingertips I hold a personal link to the entire world, and this has changed not only my behavior, but that of the […]

Stand Out – Drop A Jaw Today

Once upon a time, during the baby boomer era, being different was a badge of honour. Yes, guys wearing scholls, long hair, playing in your own band and we even had surfers at Hamilton Hill High School the home of the bogan. In my opinion this is one thing the baby boomers definitely got right. But […]

Social media persona

Have you ever wondered which social media you should get involved in for your business.? Over the years I have deduced it down to the list below. I know that things are likely to change as new opportunities present themselves and gain traction (such as pinterest which still hasn’t made my list), but having a […]

How to get more traffic to your site?

It is now possible for each of us to own our own media companies. Our radio station is our Podcast, our TV station is our You Tube Channel, our Blog is our Newspaper, Face book and Instagram our magazines and our Tweets serve as billboards to direct eyes, ears and hearts to our outlets. We […]

Mobile Shopping “mopping”

One of my absolute favourite things to do is visit a coffee shop order my coffee and sit alone and empty my thoughts into my moleskin. Obviously sitting by yourself ensconced into your writing doesn’t look that odd (well at least I hope not!) but if you turn up to a coffee catch up early […]

Getting Your Email Read – Start With a Better Subject Line

Why is it so important to have a great subject line? Think of subject lines like the headline of a newspaper article.  If it grabs you, you start to read.  Furthermore it is the only thing people see in an email.  It is what they are going to use to determine if they go any […]