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You As A Media Mogul

Thanks to digital marketing and social media, one single human being can now have as much or even more impact than a large Fortune 500 Company. In fact it is no longer a dream to see YOU as a media mogul!

Even some of the world’s largest brands are turning to individual influencers, bloggers, podcasters, videographers and more to tap into their trust, credibility and community that they have fostered.

As an aspiring influencer you need to be clear that your online marketing and social media is not to be simply focused on number of followers, or other vanity metrics. But on what matters, being able to inspire, connect, and move an audience. What matters is being able to change minds, touch hearts and connect emotionally with the people within your community.

Influencing is and will always be about human beings. It’s about the people. It’s about connecting humans with other humans. It’s about helping the humans within your communities solve their problems and achieve their goals. It’s about connecting humans to be part of something bigger than they can be themselves.

YOU have the opportunity to be the media today and tomorrow. You can build an integrated online digital platform that works even when you are not working.

You can be the media that educates, inspires, connects, serves, and changes the world. It only takes a seed, one single tweet or Facebook post to create life changes for one, hundreds, thousands and even millions of humans.

However, even with this opportunity there comes much work. You must figure out how you can have the greatest impact in a world where the scarcest resource is attention. Every brand, every blog, every tweet and Facebook page is vying for attention from the same people you want attention from.

So the investment that is required is having a unique voice and producing some great quality content.

Please do not let this be daunting as most people today have gravitated toward their favourite source of information and as such 1 piece of decent content can be repurposed and used multiple times across your niche and your various platforms. In fact most top quality content can be converted into many pieces of killer content from the original piece. As a minimum I try and execute one quality piece of content into at least 12 strategically sound ways:

Three blog posts
Three podcasts
One presentation
One webinar
One infographic
One Facebook Note
One Youtube Video
One Soundcloud Clip

What is more each of these new content versions provide countless twitter, Facebook, linkedIn, Google+, Youtube and Instagram material. Handled properly this content works to build your influence and fills your marketing funnel with new clients and or followers for your message.

By adopting this approach to multiple content execution you establish your influence quicker and more effectively.


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