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The art of saying thank you

For some time now I have been disciplining myself to write thank you notes. One thing that has made it easier to keep up with the practise has been the development of a template.

Here it is….

The Perfect Thank You Note by Peter Gianoli

 * its never too late to write a thank you note, just add

” I know this is long overdue but I think of _____________ often”

The best thank you note is short, to the point and personal. I find 3 paragraphs does it.

Paragraph 1: One sentence where you say thank you for –

“Thank you for hosting me to the _____________ last weekend.”

Paragraph 2: Two sentences personalising the note, specific to you, them, the gift etc. Avoid commas, hence two short sentences are better.

Paragraph 3: One sentence restating the thanks.

“You have my thanks and best wishes”

It’s a wrap.


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