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Social media persona

Have you ever wondered which social media you should get involved in for your business.?

Over the years I have deduced it down to the list below. I know that things are likely to change as new opportunities present themselves and gain traction (such as pinterest which still hasn’t made my list), but having a strong media presence without feeling you have to be doing everything seems to be paying dividends for my organisations.

A more important strategic question however is what type of persona should you be portraying for your business and or brand in each of these socila media platforms.

Here is what we do:

Facebook – The friend who helps demystify things.

Twitter – The professional sharing tips and advice.

Itunes/ You Tube – Expert Education and informing clients

Blog – Trusted adviser keeping you in the loop with what is happening both good and bad.

Flickr and Instagram – Great Pictures at exciting places

Linked In – Professional networking around your industry.

What do you do? Please let us know.


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