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Marketing in a COVID-19 Environment.

Research indicates that If you were able to place all of your dream prospects into one room – they would behave like this:

  • 3% of them would be ready to buy now ·
  • 6-7% of them would be open to thinking about buying
  • 30% are not thinking about buying at all
  • 30% do not think they’re interested 30% know they are not interested.

How do we use this information in a tough economy?

This edited video from a recent Zoom presentation I made will show you how…

To summarise the video here is the answer in just two steps…​

First step is to get a lot more people into the room.

Yes I know we can’t do this at the moment – but by room I am talking your sales system. Facebook advertising is so cheap at the moment as people have abandoned their ad spend in droves, so get your message language right, your placement right and you can pack a room. (this PDF elaborates on this for you.)

Second step is to focus on 69% of the people in the room and not just the top 9%..

Why, because people’s confidence to transact will return  in different waves. After the stringent restrictions we have been subjected, nobody can be super certain who will transact first. Therfore it is wise to deploy a targetted follow up procedure with your prospects.

The best thing about this – is not only does it work – but if you use it properly you can get all of your advertising costs recouped in just 3 emails. ( I bet this will make you check out this PDF now!! – because in it I show you exactly how ✔👀😎)


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