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It’s Smart To Get Great Help

You become an expert more quickly when you acquire information for your business that took other people decades to learn. I first heard the term “Decade in a Day” in a podcast from Tony Robbins. He talked about people who spent 10 years learning something and then they write a book. Then any person off the […]

How to Increase Your Revenue Month on Month

If you are yearning to increase your revenue so that you can grow your business then take note! Growing your business as a consequence of an increase in your revenue need not be too complex nor difficult. At the end of the day, how to win in business doesn’t actually have anything to do with […]

Why Should I Podcast?

Since I started my own podcast the most common question I am asked is “why should I podcast”. To be honest I fell into podcasting without actually asking this question myself but man am I happy I did!

The Value Of Creating A Personal Brand

A Million Dollar Influencer knows the value of creating a Brand – and in particular creating a personal brand. Personal branding is self-expression amplified to influence and command attention. It’s not about trying to be someone else, it’s about taking your key characteristics and turning the volume up on them.

Building A List Of Followers An Asset That Repays!

You have come up with a brilliant idea for a brand new product, service or message that you know can make you rich or make a serious difference. Or maybe you currently own a business that pays the bills, and your dream is to become fabulously successful and retire a millionaire. Or perhaps you have […]

Putting A Value On Your Marketing Content

Have you ever asked yourself how much your marketing content is worth?  The ebooks you create. The infographics you design. The webinars you host.  How much are they worth? How do you value your marketing content? You need to know, because contrary to your beliefs, they have value and your ability to apply the appropriate […]

Sales Professionals as Million Dollar Influencers

To flourish in sales today sales pros need to create more relevant outreach with personalized messaging. Prospects need information from not just marketing, but sales professionals that answer their questions at every stage.

How to Become a Person Of Influence

If you’re wanting or needing to become a person of influence adopting these predominantly modern marketing techniques via the INTERNET supplemented with traditional media – fame and influence can be yours.

How to Conduct a Regular Website Review

Undergoing a regular website review makes good sense but it is also a good time to think about and define the basics of your business. What is your website intended to achieve and who is your target market? In doing this the following should assist you in conducting the review. Click to download a website […]