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The Braggadocio – Is Their Time Up?

Today. I saw something on Twitter, which caught my attention. I must admit I’ve become a real user of Twitter a lot over the years. I’ve stopped reading newspapers, which is bad for the newspaper industry, but I’m fond of Twitter, I don’t participate in it much, but I like to read it. I also […]

How to Price Your Marketing Content?

Have you ever asked yourself how much your marketing content is worth? The ebooks you create, the infographics you design and the webinars you host. How much are they worth?

Why I Don’t Do Problems!

There are two kinds of people in the world—people who find problems and those who find solutions. Solution finders are always rewarded better than problem finders. Whether that be as an employee or people that own their own business – if you can find solutions the money follows. So, how do you become the type […]

Reimagine Your Business

Andrew Cuomo the Governor of New York recently gave a fabulous speech about Reimagining New York. We can all use this approach as we all go about reopening our lives in the coming weeks, months or even years.. Do we really have to rush back in… as we were, but, can we pause reflect and […]

How to Outsource Using Upwork and Fiverr

If you have ever wondered how to outsource using Upwork and Fiverr– effectively! Then this tried a tested methodology will walk you through the essential steps. By following the methodology in this video you will be able to outsource using Upwork and Fiverr so that you can focus on what you do well and allow […]

Survival tactics for tough times

Survival tactics for tough times. Thinking of everybody in this Podcast. Please look after yourself and do everything you can to refresh, recharge and survive. Best wishes.

When business is tough – become more Curious!

If business is tough at the moment this is probably the most important six (6) or so minutes you can spend today listening to this podcast. One of the keys of success, is breaking the pattern of frustration and rebuilding a pattern of curiosity. In this episode I talk about seeing things differently. Instead of […]

Christmas Campaign For Your Business

How to use a Christmas campaign for your business! With Christmas fast approaching, you can use Christmas campaigns as a perfect way to help your business.