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How to Acquire New Clients Without Being Pushy

Many people equate sales with making people buy things they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford. Daniel Pink, in his bestseller, “To Sell Is Human” states that 1 in 9 roles has a formal sales title. But 9 out of 9 roles involve selling to other people.  Teachers sell to kids. Doctors sell to patients. Authors sell […]

Steve Jobs and Passion for Business

The path to entrepreneurship is not easy; it takes a lot of work and determination.  But if you really want something, nothing can stop your drive for success! People come in all shapes and sizes when they’re ready to put their ideas into action–and that’s what makes this industry so exciting because there’s always room […]

Putting A Value on Your Marketing Content

Have you ever asked yourself how much your marketing content is worth?   The eBooks you create. The infographics you design. The webinars you host.  How much are they worth?  How do you value your marketing content? Value, marketing content based on its usefulness, currency and unique information it is offering. Find Out More     […]

Provoking Versus Discovery Questions and How to Use Them in Sales.

The whole marketing message, sales call or presentation’s turning point is when the customer says to you or to themselves “Wow, I never considered that before” or “I’ve never thought about that” or “I never realised that was possible” or imagine if they said “No one has ever asked me that before.”  That is exactly […]

Scarcity Marketing: 6 Innovative Tactics You Need to Know

The girls all get prettier at closing time. At least according to American country music artist Mickey Gilley in his 1976 hit. As opportunities, and the items they present, become scarcer, they are perceived as more valuable.  And people want them more. No one wants to feel left out, especially if a good deal is […]

The Tarantino Approach to Success and How it Can Help Your Business.

I urge you to watch Tarantino movies – he is a genius It’s like a crash course in writing school in some ways — especially for marketers, copywriters, and anyone in business wanting to dominate and control a niche. My latest podcast tells you why     Transcript: I think Tarantino is a genius. Before […]

Marketing should be an Asset and NOT an Expense.

There is no denying that the right mindset can do wonders.  It is especially true when it comes to marketing and promoting your products to the market. It’s important to think of marketing as an asset, rather than marketing as an expense. My latest Podcast will outline how.     Transcript: There is no denying […]

Decide if your social media channels are a reality show or a magazine.

Most consultants post on their social media channels like episodes of a reality show — here’s what I think, here’s what I’m doing, here’s yet ANOTHER selfie. That’s fine if it’s compelling, but in general it’s more effective to approach your social media channels as a magazine editor would. Find out more in my latest Podcast.   […]

The Best Clients Swim Upstream

Here is a powerful quote from the founder of Facebook. “People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the holy grail of advertising.”– Mark Zuckerberg In this week’s podcast I talk about how I […]

When Marketing to Values is More Powerful Than the Marketing of Products

There was a time when coffee was coffee. Ice cream was ice cream. A phone was a phone. Even a pair of jeans was, just a pair of jeans. There are still businesses stuck in this time warp, continuing to conduct business as if people still purchased products. Today, that cup of coffee comes with […]