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The Copywriting Success Cult of Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is one of the top copywriters on the planet – FACT!  Even though she has probably never even heard the word “copywriting”. Nor, ever written a sales letter in her life. And though she may very well not even know what a good ad was if it fell out of the sky and […]

Arms VS Legs: The Raging Debate that can Impact an Entrepreneur’s Business.

Sales are like legs day. Hard and brutal. Punishment! Yet, when you work out legs, you’re also activating muscle fibres in the rest of your body, arms, shoulders and even back. Just the same fashion, when you work in sales, you’re activating muscle fibres in your marketing skillset as well. So, the best advice you […]

Future Proofing Your Business from Economic Upheaval

What happens to your business when the economy tanks? It depends which part of the market you serve. And this is because economic ups and downs do not impact on all parts of the market equally. In this podcast I outline which parts of the market you should consider targeting with your business.     […]

3 Social Media Strategies for Consultants that Actually Work

I’ve noticed something about consultants. Most of them have the same frustrations when it comes to social media. I work with a lot of consultants and hear the same issues over and over again. So to help them and you even if you aren’t a consultant – I produced this podcast with 3 social media […]

Marketing Lessons from the House of Gucci

“Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten,” a saying embossed in gold letters on pigskin plaques and displayed strategically around Gucci stores. Just one of the key lessons the House of Gucci has to offer any entrepreneur looking to market to the wealthy and the top-end -of-town. Recently I went to see the movie […]

When It Pays To Not Listen To Your Customer

Rather than listen to your customers – watch your customers.  In particular track where they spend money with you, because often people say one thing and vote with their credit card in a completely different way. This podcast shines a light on this major marketing stumbling block.     Transcript Your Opinion does Not Matter […]

The Amazing Concept of A Half-cation And How To Do It!

I’ve been working on a great new way to take a break from work without actually taking a break from work.  It’s called a “Half-cation”!  I outline how I have set this up in my life, my first week’s results and the theory, tools and motivation behind it. If you’re interested in hearing more, check […]