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6 Tips On Writing Great Emails

Writing great emails is an art form that can be worth a fortune to your business. The “art” is in knowing how to frame communication emails so that they provide your readers with value and are not simply focused on the results you want or need. Whilst this may seem counter intuitive  this is the definitive secret in writing great emails. This article looks at strategies you can use to ensure that your use of email is clear, effective and successful.

1. Provide Value to Your Readers.
Your subscribers are busy people, and they won’t always consider your emails a top priority. To work around this, make sure your emails are worth your readers’ time. Every email you send should serve the purpose of helping your audience, whether you answer common questions they might have about your company or product, or solve a problem.

2. Remember Your Subscribers Are People.
Too many business owners view their subscribers as walking dollar signs — and it shows. As silly as it sounds, remember that your subscribers are real people, and they want to know you have their best interest at heart. If you’re in this mindset before you begin writing emails, it becomes a lot easier to identify what type of content is valuable to them.

3. Make Your Emails Interesting.
As you provide your readers with helpful tips and updates, keep it engaging. Think about the environment your readers might be in when they read your emails: a busy office, a loud coffee shop, a couch watching TV with their kids, etc.
To stand out, keep your emails concise and relevant to their lives. And feel free to liven it up with a little bit of humour, engaging visuals, and more to capture their interest!

4. Curate Content You Already Wrote.
Have a tendency to get stuck the moment you start writing an email? Chances are, you have already written what you’re trying to say somewhere else.
Many business owners have the content they need — it just might be in a social post or an individual email to a customer. As long as it’s something that has proven customer engagement, you should include it in an email.
If you talked to someone about ways to work through a problem they had with your product, that would probably make for a great email topic!

5. Talk to One Person Instead of One Thousand.
No matter how many subscribers you have, every email should be written as though you’re sending it to one person at a time. If you think about writing to one individual, the message will likely translate to everyone you hope to address.

6. Choose HTML and Plain Text Emails Wisely.
Whatever your preference, consider the way you send your emails and how each might convey your message differently to subscribers.
While either email type works, many business owners tend to prefer sending plain text messages because they feel more personal than the slick “brochure feel” of an HTML email.

This advice on writing great emails will go a long way in getting your emails read and help your followers to take the appropriate action.


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